Thursday, February 25, 2010

Frugal Blogs

I love frugal blogs.
I love getting a peek into someone else's home, and seeing how they live, what they save money on, and what they consider most important.
What can I say, I'm such a voyeur.
And I love pics.
(Really need a camera of my own.....but in debt so not just yet.)
Part of it may be I'm in a city on the East Coast, and it seems so many frugal blogs are written by frugal mommy bloggers way on the other side of country, or at least the other side of the Mason Dixie line.
Here are more frugal blogs that make me smile:
An Oregon Cottage. Pictures and recipes and frugal living, oh my :)
Ten Things Farm. Same as the above, with some basic homesteading thrown in.
Diary of a Stay At Home Mom and Full Bellies, Happy Kids are written by a military wife, and although I live a very different lifestyle, her sweet writing and delicious recipes always make me wonder about the road not taken.
Domestic Witch I want her as my Ya-Ya.
Work calls.

CC debt: $22,666.

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